Welcome To Redprint App Builder!
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Redprint App Builder is your app development flow on steroid! It can literally save you hundreds of hours of coding and lets you concentrate on what matters most. The application logic and problem solution.

  • Let Redprint generate your CRUD

    For repetative tasks like creating a CRUD, you can totally rely on Redprint App Builder. It generates high quality Code to generate your everyday create, read, update, delete interfaces and backend. Redprint App Builder closely follows Laravel best practices. Which means, no garbage code. You'll fall in love once you take a look at the code! We promise!

  • Make your backend searchable!

    With Redprint App Builder, you can tell the system to automatically generate your search system with the CRUD. Again, the code that gets genrated is of high quality and follows DRY. Have a look at the index method.

  • Build Model Relations

    With a few clicks, you can generate relations between two models. Not only that, it creates the dropdowns on a previously created CRUD that is related! For example, if you are creating a "Has Many" relationship between "Category" and "Products", your products CRUD form will now "automagically" have a dropdown to select Categories!

    How cool is that?

  • Generate Migrations

    Redprint AB lets you create a migration using a clean UI. Just focus on what you need and we'll generate then run the migration for you. If it doesn't look good, we'll debug and let you know that too!

  • Grow with us!

    Redprint AB is committed to grow and become more powerful. Make your apps more robust and count on Redprint to help you along the way.